Undoubtedly, the landscape of woolen area rugs varies significantly; while wool serves as a remarkable starting point, the intricate process of crafting carpets unveils the true disparity, particularly evident in the creation of Karastan Area Rugs.

In stark contrast to the conventional approach adopted by many rug sales companies, which often enlist commissioned spinners, dyers, and tufters, Karastan maintains an unwavering commitment to overseeing each phase of production within the United States. This meticulous attention to detail ensures that every aspect of the manufacturing process aligns seamlessly, bolstering your confidence in the quality of your flooring investment.

Karastan's preference for New Zealand wool is underpinned by a multitude of compelling reasons, each highlighting the unparalleled advantages it offers:

  1. New Zealand wool stands as the epitome of purity and whiteness globally, boasting exceptional dyeing properties that imbue the resulting colors with vibrancy and longevity.
  2. It is cultivated with a conscientious regard for the natural environment, serving as a renewable and biodegradable fiber, thereby earning its reputation as one of the foremost environmentally sustainable products available.
  3. Sourced from land predominantly unsuitable for other forms of agriculture, New Zealand wool contributes to sustainable land use practices while sidestepping competition with food production.
  4. The sheep industry in New Zealand upholds stringent standards, eschewing internationally banned pesticides, and positioning itself as a beacon of eco-consciousness within the realm of animal production systems.
  5. New Zealand wool epitomizes a harmonious blend of superior quality and ecological responsibility, embodying the essence of sustainable resource management practices.

In essence, the selection of New Zealand wool underscores Karastan's unwavering commitment to excellence, encapsulating a synthesis of quality craftsmanship and environmental stewardship that transcends conventional standards.

The Persian Carpet Gallery